About Me

Feed the "Beast Mode"
My iPad, my Grill/Smoker, my Gym and Me.

I am the beast! You are the beast! Together we feed the beast! Beast mode on! and all that jazz.

I started lifting in high school and since then I have lifted on and off for over twenty years. However, two years ago I looked at a picture of my double chin (only when I smile.....hahaha)(By the way it was a picture of me stirring some homemade salsa with my wife Amanda.) and decided that I needed to start a consistent workout lifestyle. I've been lifting weights, hiking, walking, running, playing racquetball, volleyball, tennis, and lifting weights (Ya I know I listed that twice but I am really good at it.) ever since.

In February of 2011 I bought a CharGriller propane and briquette grill/smoker. IT IS THE BOMB! We have been grilling or smoking most of our food on it for all time and eternity. (Like forever!) We have been hitting some home runs with some of the dishes that come off of that beautiful piece of metal and love.

In August this year I bought an iPad................... Well lets just say that is about all I have done since then. It is a curse I have. I just cannot put the dang thing down! My wife would heartily agree that I have become worthless since, unless there is an app for it, then consider me the master of space and time and efficiency. Enough said.  Except that it was my wife's idea that I blog about everything I talk about. (That way I can use my iPad to talk about lifting and eating. Which are three things i love to do. She is genius! {And she is also sick of me wasting time with my games and endless surfing on the Internet.})

I work for the RR. I am an engineer :) and a conductor :( ........... Depends on the seniority. (Still trying to convince those older distinguished gentlemen and ladies that retirement is a much better option than sticking around and working at all times of the day or night.......there might be an ulterior motive here........ Like maybe my seniority will improve and I can be an engineer year round......just sayin.)  Working for the railroad creates some challenging obstacles on eating correctly. I have to have two days of meals ready to grab and go, otherwise I end up eating fast food or worse gas station food. (Which also drive up the food budget)

I love to eat. I love to lift weights. I like cutting weight. (I hope you can feel the sarcasm in that statement, the first two sentences of this paragraph are true how ever:) I have an iPad that has somehow become another appendage to my muscular, some times with some extra insulation, body. I absolutely love to smoke things.........on the grill that is. I don't mind cutting weight when I can eat stuff coming off my grill/smoker. And over all I, we, become healthier.

That's the story. Oh yeah, I grew up on a dairy farm in Idaho.  (Ross Perot said that a kid that grew up on a dairy farm in Idaho is the best kind of employee to have.........hahaha. I think it is just because when it is cold and dreary and in the middle of the dark we are used to getting crapped and peed on.)

So there you go that is the quick of it.

 Me, Scot "Coisa" Ethington

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